Improving Your Smile: 4 Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Explained

When most people think about cosmetic dentistry, the first thing, and sometimes the only thing, that comes to mind is teeth whitening. Teeth whitening is an extremely common cosmetic dentistry procedure but there are so many others as well that you may want to consider if you’re looking to improve your smile.

Most of the time, cosmetic dentistry procedures are completely elective. It probably sounds crazy that someone would have dental work done when they didn’t have to!  But, we all can get a little self-conscious about our smiles and why shy away from big grins in all those selfies and photos with friends and family. And guess what? There are some cosmetic dental procedures that also provide restorative benefits. Win/win! In fact, there are several types of cosmetic dental procedures and each helps improve your smile in its own way.

Here’s a quick rundown of some of the cosmetic dental procedures that exist besides teeth whitening. And before you start shying away – you should know these simple procedures sound more complicated than they actually are.

Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and onlays are better known as indirect fillings. These are used when a tooth has mild decay or when there isn’t enough tooth structure left to support a regular filling. If there’s no damage to the tooth cusps, an inlay is placed directly onto the tooth surface. But, when the greater portion of the tooth is damaged, an onlay is used to cover the entire surface of the tooth. Basically, inlays and onlays provide support to strengthen teeth while restoring their shape and preventing any further deterioration.

Dental veneers

Dental veneers—not the same as dentures—are usually ceramic and look extremely realistic. Veneers are personalized for each individual patient to resemble their own natural teeth. They attach to the front of each tooth using a dental adhesive. Most patients get veneers to resolve cosmetic problems, like crooked or cracked teeth, damaged enamel, or noticeable gaps between teeth.

Composite bonding

Composite bonding sounds like something from one of your old physics textbooks, but it actually refers to the repair of decayed, damaged, or discolored teeth using material that resembles the color of your natural tooth enamel. We’ll start by removing the tooth decay, then we apply the composite onto the tooth’s surface, and finally, shape it to fit your tooth perfectly. Although composite bonding sounds super complicated, it’s actually one of the easier and, in many cases, less-expensive dentistry procedures available to patients with tooth decay or chipped teeth.


Dental implants are the best option available when it comes to filling the gaps left behind by tooth loss. OK, this one is actually quite complicated and can’t be completed in one visit. Plus, if your jawbone isn’t able to support the implant, a bone graft may be required. A small titanium screw is placed in the jaw or bone graft, which will support the crown. The abutment and crown, the part that resembles your natural tooth, will be attached to the screw. Although this procedure can take several months to complete because of the healing process, dental implants are the next best thing besides your natural teeth.

If you’re considering a cosmetic dentistry procedure, get in touch with our team today. At Willow Spring Family Dentistry, we take care of our patients, not just their teeth. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns! We know that dental procedures don’t have the best reputation, but we’re striving to change that – one smile at a time.

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