Snoring: What to Know About Its Effect on Your Oral Health

It’s a sound you’ve all heard. Though varied from person to person, the undeniable disruption can be as loud as a thundering train through the night to as soft and subtle as a gentle rumbling in the distance.


Regardless of its intensity and disturbance to others in the house, snoring can be concerning for more reasons than just disrupting a good night’s sleep.


A look in your mouth


Dentists are often clued into your sleeping habits before you may even realize you snore.


Clue number 1 – evidence of teeth grinding. If you are a teeth grinder, you’re more likely to suffer from sleep apnea and related breathing problems, as teeth grinding is one way your body gets itself to start breathing again.


Clue number 2 – evidence of dry mouth. Snorers typically breathe through their mouths. When your mouth is drier, your risk for cavities also goes up, as do symptoms of bad breath, infections, sores, and more. While you’re sleeping, saliva goes to work to naturally rebuild your teeth and maintain the proper pH levels in your mouth. Without it, your body’s natural defenses are down, leaving your more susceptible to unwanted ailments.


What to do if you snore


Snoring is common – more so in men than women – but there are other risk factors that contribute to its prevalence. People who are overweight may be more likely to suffer from snoring as do people who suffer from nasal congestion.


Minimizing the use of alcohol and tobacco, maintaining a regular sleep schedule, and minimizing your time in front of a blue screen in the hours before bedcan help you get a more restful night’s sleep and keep the inside of your mouth happier, too.


If you’re concerned about the effects snoring is having on your well-being and oral health, give us a call. We’re ready to help.


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