Chipped a Tooth? Here’s What to Do.

It’s not uncommon to chip a tooth, despite how careful and cautious you may be. Most chipped teeth aren’t serious, but if the damage goes beyond the enamel, it can lead to a higher risk of infection. Fixing a chipped tooth usually requires a quick consultation with your dentist, as it’s not a one-size-fits-all situation. But, here are a few ways your dentist may decide to fix your chipped tooth.

Salt-water Rinse

Rinse your mouth with warm salt water while waiting to go see your dentist. This will relieve you of any pain and reduce the risk of infection. If there is any bleeding, be sure to apply pressure with a clean gauze. Once you make it in to see your dentist, there are multiple options you can discuss.

Polish small chips

If the part of the tooth chipped off wasn’t largely noticeable, it may be best to simply polish the tooth. This will smooth out the jagged edges left behind, not to mention it will leave you feeling less self-conscious about the chipped spot.


Bonding is better suited for chipped front teeth. This is a simple procedure where your dentist takes a composite material and covers the healthy part of your tooth to correct the chipped area. It may be necessary for your dentist to roughen the enamel and shape the composition material to create a natural-looking add-on.


Veneers are usually used when there is a greater cosmetic issue at hand. This is when your dentist will cover the front of your teeth with porcelain to produce a smooth look. Veneers are often expensive, but they can last for up to 20 years when taken care of. If you can’t bear to look at the chipped tooth anymore, this may be the best option.


When deciding which option is best for you, your dentist will often look at how close the chip is to your gums. Dental implants are the best option when the tooth has been chipped close to the gum line. Your dentist will most likely suggest removing the remaining tooth and replacing it with a natural-looking implant.

Dental crown

A crown is extremely similar to veneers except for the fact that a crown covers the entire tooth whereas veneers only cover the front of the tooth. If your tooth has a large chunk missing from the chip, your dentist will most likely recommend a crown over veneers. Dental crowns will also protect from further damage like bacteria and decay.

We get it – chipped teeth are no fun and usually never something you plan for. So, that’s why we recommend saving our number into your phone. In case you suddenly need to book an appointment and get seen quickly.

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